Leo Quan Badass Bass Bridge 2 Reviews 4

got it at guitar center for around $60 for my mexican fender jazz

i had heard that it was sopposed to add punch and clarity which my fender needed. i seriously doubted that it would be able to live up to its claims but it acually does. my E and A string are really punchy now even though my strings are really old and crapped up. the D and G seem less lively though for some reason. plus its a lot cheaper than getting new pickups.

hmm the G string doesnt match up perfectly with the pole pieces but that doesnt acually make any differece and it might just be my bass.

big hunk of steel it wont ever break unless you throw your bass in lava or something

it acually does add punch and clarity. well worth the money cheaper than new pickups.

Billy Ezell rated this unit 4 on 2003-02-20.

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